All donations (up to $10,000) received during the month of March will be matched!

All donations are tax-deductible. You can give at the link below or by mail to or in-person at 2324 E. First Street, Blue Ridge, GA 30513


About Us

Our History

The Fannin Christian Learning Center opened for operation for the 2000-2001 school year.  

During the first year, the FCLC employed the Director and one teacher with both teaching classes. Volunteers provided all clerical and administrative work.  As office needs increased, a full-time secretary was added to the staff in the Spring of 2001.  

Student enrollment averaged 150 per year during the first five years, but increased to more than 200 in the sixth year, necessitating the addition of a part-time teacher. A third teacher has been needed off and on since 2006. Just for Spring 2012 semester a fourth teacher was needed. Financial support from churches, organizations, businesses and individuals in the area has continued to be strong throughout the years with 23 churches contributing regularly.  Banks, businesses, organizations, individuals give on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis.  As a result, FCLC is currently operating free of debt. 

The FCLC works in cooperation with the Fannin County High School.  The FCLC desires to see FCHS excel in all areas; thus, we support the school’s activities, and we will follow its policies as much as possible in our setting.

Our Staff

Tina Lee, Executive Director

Tina has over 30 years of experience as a Christian School Teacher/Administrator/Athletic Director and Coach. “Miss Lee” moved here in the summer of 2000 from Fort Worth, Texas, and takes great pleasure in being a Fannin County resident. She went to high school and college in Georgia graduating from Tift College. She received her Master of Arts Degree in Religious Education from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. She enjoys playing Spades and Nertz, camping, watching football, and traveling. She is also the proud mom of two beautiful adopted daughters!

Jared Herum, Teacher

Jared grew up in Blairsville, Georgia, and loves to hike, fish, camp, write poetry, and play with his dog in his spare time. He currently studies at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary majoring in biblical and theological studies. He is deeply passionate about the gospel of Jesus Christ, the authority and power of the word of God, and the great commission in all its various channels and forms. His hopes and prayers are to repent, submit, and delight in the Word of God by the spirit of God daily. Through the CLC, he hopes to co-work with the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to cultivate consistent, repentant, and godly young men and women empowered by Christ to love and live for Christ wherever they are.

Caitlyn Lindley, Teacher

Caitlyn moved to Blue Ridge with her family in 2002. During her tenure at Fannin High, she attended the CLC almost every semester. After graduating, she went on to attend Truett McConnell University, graduating in 2018 with a degree in Psychology and World Missions. Caitlyn has felt the call to teach about the love of Jesus to students since she was a student herself. She has been married to her husband, Josh, since October of 2021. She loves watching movies, watching UGA football, being outside in her hammock, and spending time with her husband, friends, and family.

Alyssa Hooper, Office Manager

Alyssa joined the CLC team in October of 2019. After leaving Fannin County in 2010 for the beautiful state of Montana,  she has returned home to Georgia and plans to stay! She has been married to her husband Bryan for over 34 years and they have one son, a daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren.  She has worked in Christian education for over 28 years and is passionate about young people knowing Christ. She enjoys camping, backpacking, reading, and spending time with her grandbabies.

More Information

What is a Release-Time Program?

The United States Supreme Court has ruled that religious released time programs are legal. The requirements for a religious release time program are as follows:

1.   The program must meet off school property.

2.   The program must not receive local, state, or federal funds.

3.   The program must be voluntarily registered for by the student.


  1. There is one God of this world and universe; He is the Creator and

      Sustainer of all things which exist.

2.    He is manifested in three ways:  God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

3.   He has chosen to reveal Himself to man through His Word, the Bible.

4.   He created man for fellowship and relationship.

5.    Through man’s choice to disobey God’s Word, sin broke the relationship.

6.   Jesus, the only Son of God, became the way by which the relationship could be restored.

7.   Jesus became the perfect sacrifice to mend the broken relationship, canceling sin and restoring man to a redeemed condition of fellowship with God.

8.    Redemption comes by believing that Christ is God’s Son and by His perfect sacrifice of His life for our sin, we are forgiven of our sin and we are restored to a relationship with God for an eternal life with Him.

9.    All men have sinned and there is no other way of restoration to God except through Jesus Christ.

10. God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male or female, and that these two distinct, complementary genders together reflect the image and nature of God.  God created marriage to be exclusively the union of one man and one woman, and that intimate sexual activity is to occur exclusively within that union.

11. All human life is sacred and created by God in His Image.  Human life is of inestimable worth in all its dimensions, including pre-born babies, the aged, the physically or mentally challenged, and every other stage or condition from conception through natural death.  We are therefore called to defend, protect, and value all human life. (Psalm 139)

12. The statement of faith does not exhaust the extents of our beliefs. The Bible itself, as the inspired and infallible Word of God that speaks with final authority concerning truth, morality, and the proper conduct of mankind, is the sole and final source of all that we believe. For purposes of the Fannin Christian Learning Center's faith, doctrine, practice, policy, and discipline, our Board of Directors is the FCLC's final interpretive authority on the Bible's meaning and application.


 1.  Because the Bible is God’s Word – inspired, infallible, authoritative, and a perfect revelation of Himself, and thus relevant to all people every day, we will teach our students to look to the Bible for answers for daily concerns.

2.   Because God desires a personal relationship with us individually, we will lead our students in daily relationship with God by instructing them in prayer and how to study the Bible for themselves.

3.   Because God has created each of us as unique individuals, we will teach our classes with variety to give attention to the different needs and learning styles of our students.

4.   Because teaching God’s Word is a privilege and “released time” is a legal way to teach His Word to public school and home school students, we will strive to be in harmony with the Fannin County High School system/parents and the community of Fannin County.

5.   Because teaching others carries great responsibility, the FCLC staff will maintain a mutual accountability to communicate with respect, openness, integrity, accuracy, and clarity.

Non-Discriminatory Policy


The Fannin Christian Learning Center is a private non-profit religious institution designed to teach Bible history and Christian Life Principles, on a voluntary basis, free of charge, to high-school age students in Fannin County.  The FCLC admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the center.

Admission Policy


In order for a student to attend the FCLC, he must voluntarily register for the course, read the Student Handbook, and sign a statement stating the Student Handbook has been read and the policies found therein will be followed.  The Parental/Legal Guardian must also give permission for the student to take CLC by signing the release form.

There is no cost for the course to the student or his/her legal guardian.  Any

activity outside the classroom which may involve cost is strictly optional for each student.  All costs and fees are clearly explained to the student and his/her guardian.

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